Michel LeGnu
Pad Thai Gnudles
Michel has put together a simple recipe for his Gnu menu- a quick tasty bowl of Gnudles for Gnugo and Gnubia to try. He’s showing off a bit, now the kitchen is clean, by mixing Gnu recipes from Thailand and Vietnam. A Gnu idea known as Gnusion food. (Gnu-fusion). Cheddar just wants to see some cheese dishes on the menu- that’s what he was expecting from a classic European chef!
Let’s hope he tells us how to prepare this colourful dish….
Pancetta, Porcini Pappadelle
Michel spoke to his friend Gnu Fungaiolo in Bagnone, Italia.
Inspired and excited about the gnu mushroom season he hoofed a few items in the pan and voilà…
Let’s hope he tells us the secret ingredients….
Insalata del Giorno
Michel LeGnu- has been improving the menu to include more ‘Gnutritional’ dishes.
He has a bumper crop of Tomatoes, and he’s created a Gnu Salad.
“My Darlings, Tomatoes are ‘the food of the Gods’, and I have created a Gnu Salad that reminds me of my time in Northern Italy, (Genuva).
Tomatoes, Basil, Garlic , so typical of the ‘Gegnuvese’ cookery, I love so much!”